activity map

英 [ækˈtɪvəti mæp] 美 [ækˈtɪvəti mæp]

网络  活动地图; 活动图



  1. The three hottest startup cities in Europe right now are London, Berlin and Stockholm but there is startup activity all over the map.
  2. You created a Cast Iron orchestration that uses the Invoke Service activity to call this Web service, thereby running a map.
  3. The Brain Activity Map will give hardware companies a lot of new tools that will change how we use smartphones and tablets, Dr. Chun said.
  4. An initiative by the Obama administration this year called the Brain Activity Map project, a decade-long research project, aims to build a comprehensive map of the brain.
  5. Along with brain imaging, studies have begun to look at gene activity and to map the signals that flow between cells in the skin, the immune system, the spinal cord and the brain.
  6. The brain electrical activity map in the elderly with mild cognitive impairment
  7. Such activity can enrich students with knowledge about the map reading skills, endogenetic and exogenetic processes, as well as interest on geographical features in Hong Kong.
  8. Dear friends who didn't take part in the activity, are you interested in the answers that hidden in the treasure map?
  9. The brain activity map, as this project seems likely to be called, will study how the brain is wired up at all levels, from the connections between individual nerve cells to the neuronal superhighways between its various lobes and ganglia.
  10. With the EEG, the brain electrical activity map ( BEAM) was expressed by root-mean-square power from amplitude spectrum data.
  11. It was proved that the osazone sulfuric acid development method ( OSADM) is a quite ideal DAHPS activity assay method, according to the osazone's absorption map, the linear relations, detecting limit.
  12. The inhomogeneity of seismic activity and tectonic movement are reflected in this map.
  13. We also made some comparison study with historical earthquake activity and with the new zoning map of china.
  14. The correlation dimension of space distribution of seismic activity in northwest of Yunnan is calculated by means of scale transformation. The contour map of spatial correlation dimension distribution at different periods in northwest of Yunnan are obtained.
  15. Observation on therapeutic effect of acanthopanax senticosus injection on 26 cases of ischemic cerebral angiopathy by electroencephalogram and brain electrical activity map
  16. Objective: To observe the changes in activity of electroencephalogram ( EEG) and brain electrical activity map ( BEAM) and to explore the therapeutic effect of acanthopanax senticosus injection on ischemic cerebral angiopathy ( ICA).
  17. The latter page material mainly does not include the regular verb table, the weight and measure table, the monetary system, the temperature systematic, the main educational institution and politics activity designator and the map and so on.
  18. There was no significant difference in the responses of the PVN neuronal activity and MAP between the first and the second application of capsaicin.
  19. The effects of epicardial application of capsaicin on the activity of the PVN neurons were determined and compared between rats with baroreceptor denervation and vagotomy and rats without baroreceptor denervation and vagotomy ( intact rats). 4.
  20. Resolve Activity life cycle, from the start of the application to the end of the running processes of the entire program, detailed analysis of the structures of the Android environment as well as the realization of the principle of the mobile phone map service.